For instant replication of the geometries on turning gouges and skews when using the SVD185 Gouge Jig and the SVS50 Multi Jig. With built-in edge geometries. Works on any stone diameter.
For gouges and skews.
This patented Turning Tool Setter perfects the Tormek Sharpening System for woodturning tools. It enables you to exactly create and replicate the edge on your bowl and spindle gouges as well as on your flat or oval skews, with either a straight or a curved edge. The Setter works in conjunction with the Gouge Jig SVD185 and the Multi Jig SVS50.
The strength of the TTS100 Setter is that it works perfectly, irrespective of the stone diameter. You always get exactly the same edge angle - even as the stone decreases in diameter. The Turning Tool Setter works equally well when setting the edge angle on the leather honing wheel.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
19 Allens Road, East Tamaki
Auckland 2013
Ph (09) 271 7700
Fax (09) 271 7728
159 Ferry Road, Waltham
Christchurch 8011
Ph (03) 366 2013